I brewed my summer Wit last week, with a recipe going a little something like this:
For 3 Gallons:
1.0lb Dark Belgian Munich
0.25lb Aromatic
5.0lb 2row Harrington
0.75lb Flaked Oats
0.5lb granulated sugar
0.3oz Centennial hops @ 60 min
0.1oz Coriander @ 0 min
0.2oz Chamomile Tea @ 0 min
Zest of 3 Clementines @ 0 min
Fermented with Fermentis T-58
So far, this one is looking iffy. I know it isn't a wit recipe, but I was hoping to get a combination of characteristics I might enjoy. I made a grave mash miscalculation which lead to me mashing in at 165F, which is 5 degrees warmer than I have ever heard of anyone trying to go. I cooled it down and mashed for 90 minutes, but I don't think this will dry out like I wanted it to. A gravity sample taken after the krausen dropped read 1.016, down from a starting gravity of 1.066. I was hoping to be closer to 1.010, but it really all comes down to how much I like the beer. We will see how it matures once it's bottled.